Volume 13, Number #1, March 2022Serb J Sports Sci, 13(1): 11-37
Ivanović, J. & Gajević, A.
Do Serbian athletes still record positive trend change in number of medals won at the Olympic games?
Serb J Sports Sci 13(1): 11-17
Cal Abad, C.C., Resende Lara, J.P., Sousa, B., Santana Oliveira, A.J., Planas, R., do Nascimento, T.B., Rossin, R.A., de Araújo Avallone, A. & Teixeira, F.G.
Characterization and relationships among anthropometrical and physical fitness performances in professional Brazilian water polo players
Serb J Sports Sci 13(1): 19-28
Degirmen, Y.B., Erman, B. & Özkol, M.Z.
Ground reaction force assessments at specific angles of different tempos during push-up
Serb J Sports Sci 13(1): 29-37
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2010 Serbian National Sci IF Value – 0.686 (Serbia)
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2012 Serbian National Sci IF Value – 0.780 (Serbia)
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