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Archive > Year 2021, Number 4

Analysis of physical fitness in youth archers


Đorđe Redža


The aim of this work was to define and analyze the current state of physical fitness in archery. Twenty-one young male and female recurve archers performed eight field tests in order to assess flexibility, upper muscular strength, abdominal muscular strength, Lateral Core endurance, Core endurance and Aerobic fitness. Significant differences occurred in all obtained variables within the observed total subsamples in both genders. Also, differences in relation to gender, training experience and current competitive level was established. Measure KMO showed high statistical significance of multivariate adequacy of the given variables at the level of 0.472, i.e. 47.2%, while χ2 test value was 76.926, at the level of p = 0.000. Factor analysis abstracted among the given variables four factors which cumulatively explained 90.046% of variance. The main findings showed that the Lateral Core endurance and upper muscular strength might be the most important physical fitness characteristics and fundamental for the successful performance in archery. Besides, based on the data obtained by the applied battery of tests, the results showed influence of general archer fitness on actually athletes' competitive level at the level of 76.3% of probability. The results of this study should serve in the function of informative indicators that will enrich the technological process of managing, monitoring, control improving, and optimizing physical fitness measurements in archery.


recurve archery, physical abilities, measurement, strength test, endurance test, flexibility test

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