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Archive > Year 2008, Number 4

Basic And Specific Parameters Of The Explosive Force Of Leg Extensors In High Trained Serbian Female Volleyball Players: Characteristics Of The Isometric Force- Time Curve Model


Abella Carlos Pablos, National Institute of Physical Education
Dopsaj Milivoj, Faculty of Sports and Physical Education, University of Belgrade
Rajić Branislav, National Institute of Physical Education


One of the most important characteristics to define the quality of realization of human locomotion is the mechanical contractile muscle capacity to develop as much force as possible in the function of movement in time. This research was conducted with an objective to determine isometric characteristics of force-time curve model related to basic and specific parameters of the explosive force of leg extensors in highly trained Serbian female volleyball players. The sample consisted of eighteen female volleyball players - BH 1.777±0.0675 m, BW 67.36±9.10 kg, BMI 21.25±1.99 kg/m2 who competed in Second Serbian division. The test of the isometric muscle contractile characteristics was made on leg extensors in standing position. The following contractile characteristics were evaluated: basic characteristics – RFDFmaxIZO = 781.61±534.91 (N/s); the relation between RFDFmaxIZO and the maximal force, RFDFmaxIZO/FmaxIZO = 0.7598±0.4971, expressed in index units; and specific characteristics – RFDIZOF50% = 3208.72 ±2303.56 (N/s), as a start gradient characteristics represented by the generation of force at 50% of its maximum; RFDIZO250ms = 2349.51±920.64 (N/s), as Stretch Shortening Cycle gradient characteristics represented by RFD reached at 250ms; RFDIZO180ms = 2751.31±1137.88 (N/s), as RFD reached at 180ms; RFDIZO100ms = 3403.82±1595.96 (N/s), as RFD reached at 100ms. According to the relative isometric contractile values of muscles tested, the obtained results were as follows: RFDIZOrel100ms = 208.53±103.03 N-s/kg BM0.667; RFDIZOrel180ms = 167.50±68.72 N-s/kg BM0.667; RFDIZOrel250ms = 142.84± 55.22 N-s/kg BM0.667; RFDIZOrelF50% = 198.51± 154.94 N-s/kg BM0.667; RFDFrelIZO = 47.46±32.40 N-s/kg BM0.667. The results of the research showed that the variables RFDIZO100ms, RFDIZO180ms, RFDIZO250ms and RFDIZOF50% surpassed absolute RFDFmaxIZO values by 4.35, 3.52, 3.01 and 4.11 times , and its relative values by 4.39, 3.53, 3.01 and 4.18 times. The coefficient of variation (cV%) of variables showed that the most homogeneous results occurred at the levels of 250 ms, 180 ms, and 100 ms (RFDIZO250ms, RFDIZO180ms and RFDIZO100ms).


female volleyball players, isometric force, Rate of Force Development, F-t isometric curve

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