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Archive > Year 2007, Number 1

Body Fluid Loss During Four Consecutive Beach Handball Matches In High Humidity And Environmental Temperatures


Chryssanthopoulos Costas, Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Science, University of Athens
Diafas Vasilios, Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Science, University of Athens
Karras Dimitrios, University of Athens


The present study investigated the fluid losses that occur in beach handball (BH) when ambient temperature (T) and humidity (H) are high (T > 28 oC; H > 80%). Seven female handball (HB) players who belonged to different first division Greek HB teams took part in an international BH tournament as members of a BH team. In the tournament the players played 4 consecutive matches within two days. During the warm-up, match, and half-time every player ingested one litre of water. Body fluid losses (BFL) were 0.6-0.8 l whereas when BFL were corrected for fluid intake these values were 1.6-1.8 l respectively. When fluid intake was not taken into account, BFL corresponded to about 1% - 1.4% of body mass (BM). When fluid intake was considered, the BFL corresponded to 2.8% - 3.2% of BM. Beach handballers are advised to practice drinking in training so that they will be able to consume fluid during matches that is about 2% of their BM when humidity and temperatures are high. This practice will assist players to avoid excessive hypohydration and maintain body fluid balance.


beach handball, fluid intake, fluid loss, females

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