Archive > Year 2022, Number 1
Characterization and relationships among anthropometrical and physical fitness performances in professional Brazilian water polo players
Abad Cesar
To describe and verify the characteristics and the level of correlation among anthropometric, dry-land, and in-water physical fitness performances, 32 professional Brazilian water polo players (Mean ± SD: Age - 22.2 ± 4.4 yrs., BM - 90.2 ± 9.9 kg, BH - 190.3 ± 10.1 cm, BMI - 26.4±2.4 kg/m2) at the national and international levels were evaluated. Anthropometry and body composition variables showed moderate to very large correlations among them, except the muscle mass (%), residual mass (kg), mesomorphy, and cormic index. Positive moderate to large correlations were found between mesomorphy and ectomorphy with bench press. Mesomorphy was related to CMJ. All dry-land vertical jump heights showed correlations among them as well as bench press with full squat. No significant relationships were found between dry-land and in-water vertical jumping performances or tethered swimming with any variable. Overall, our results suggest significant relationships among anthropometry, somatotype, muscle power and strength performance of professional Brazilian water polo athletes. On the other hand, dry-land and in-water performances were not related. Our results suggest that the dry-land strength level seems not to be associated with some specific water polo activities. These findings may help coaches and physical conditioners to plan better water polo training strategies for improving specific dry-land and in-water physical fitness performances.
water polo, physical fitness, dry-land performance, in-water boost, team sports
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