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Archive > Year 2012, Number 4

Determinants of standing long jump performance in 9-12 year old children


Veligekas Panayiotis, Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Science, University of Athens


The aim of this study was to identify the most significant variables that contribute to standing long jump (SLJ) performance in young boys and girls. Standing long jump (SLJ), vertical counter movement jump (CMJ), 10 m and 20 m time were measured in 59 boys and 66 girls aged 9-12 years. Technique during the SLJ (SLJtech) was rated by an experienced investigator. Two-way ANOVA revealed increases in anthropometric and performance parameters by age, but no differences between boys and girls. SLJ was negatively correlated with 30 m sprint time (r = -0.68, p < 0.01) and positively correlated with CMJ performance (r = 0.58, p < 0.01), while SLJtech had a high correlation coefficient with SLJ performance (r = 0.68, p < 0.01). Stepwise multiple linear regression analysis with SLJ performance as the dependent variable, showed that 74.9% of the variance of SLJ performance could be explained by CMJ, SLJtech, 30 m sprint time, body height and peak leg power expressed per kg body mass, with CMJ, SLJtech and 30 m time contributing mostly (71.2%). Other anthropometric variables that were deemed to influence SJL such as leg length, weight and BMI were not found to contribute to SLJ performance in this age group. Due to the large contribution of technique to SLJ performance, this test may not produce valid results when the aim is to assess leg power in children aged 9-12 years.


Jump, countermovement jump, growth, anthropometric, regression analysis

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