Vesković Ana, Faculty of Sports and Physical Education, University of Belgrade
The aim of this research was to examine whether there was a difference in the family characteristics in athletes and non-athletes. Additionally, we wished to determine the degree to which parents were involved in the sports activity of their children. The research was executed on a sample of young athletes (N=111) and non-athletes (N=92) of both genders, with an average age of 16.6 years. According to the results of the study, the difference in family configuration (completeness of the family in athletes and non-athletes) was not statistically significant. The differences occurred in the material status (as better material status in athletes’ families), the father’s education (as better education in athletes’ fathers) and in the father’s occupation (as more entrepreneurs in athletes’ fathers). The difference in parental sport experience in the two sub-samples was not significant; however, more sibling sport participation was observed in athletes than in non-athletes. Compared to mothers, fathers were involved in the children’s sports activity to a higher degree. While the engagement of fathers was equal for children of either gender, mothers were more involved in their daughters’ sports activity.
Athletes, non-athletes, family, parents
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