Özçaldıran Bahtiyar, School of Physical Education and Sports, Ege University
Özkol Mehmet Zeki, School of Physical Education and Sports, Ege University
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of leg kicking on different styles of swimming. 17 male swimmers aged 14.64±2.14 participated in this study. The subjects carried out 4 times l00m swims, in each of the four styles (full stroke = crawl, backstroke, butterfly and breaststroke) at their maximum speeds with 15 minute intervals in between. The same procedure was repeated on separate days, (one rest day in between) by swimming stroke with arms only. The velocity (m/sec) and arm-stroke index obtained after swimming. The statistical analyses were performed by using SPSS for Windows. The mean (±) full stroke swimming velocity in crawl was 1.42±0.15 m/sec, in backstroke 1.18±0.1 m/sec and in breaststroke 1.02±0.06 m/sec; the mean (±) arms only swimming velocity in crawl was 1.28±0.15 m/sec, in backstroke 1.07±0.1 m/sec and in breaststroke 0.79±0.14 m/sec. In full stroke swimming the mean (±) arm-stroke index in crawl was 74.46±16.34, in backstroke 79.17±15.75 and in breaststroke 61.03±12.95; and in arms only swimming the mean (±) arm-stroke index in crawl was 89.20±21.12, in backstroke 101.14±21.51 and in breaststroke 130.05±47.18. The velocity while swimming the full stroke (arms and legs) was significantly higher than swimming with arms only (p<0.01). In arm-stroke index with arms only was higher than full stroke (p<0.01). Leg kicking influenced all parameters positively.
propulsion, swimming, leg kicking
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