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Archive > Year 2011, Number 3

Sport management in countries in transition: current state and development perspectivies


Jovanovic Jelena, Faculty of Sports and Physical Education, University of Belgrade


The efforts in the field of sport over the past hundred years have been attempting to harmonize both sport and business functions of sports organizations, and adjust to political, economic and sociological challenges. Particular problems have arisen in the concepts of transition reforms in sport in former communist regimes, including Serbia. These involve the specificities of the transition process and the incompleteness of an institutionalized framework in sport and of legislation in particular, which hinders the search for solutions to strategic development in sports and the establishment of organized sports-business relationships. The present research was conducted on a representative sample, with the following variables: the method of establishing the structure of the management system, the allocation of financial resources, ownership issues, employment levels in sports management and primary and complementary sports profession. The results have indicated certain parameters in determining the current state of sport organizations and providing further guidance to their business activities.


Management, organization in sports, sports-business, sports profession

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