Ashraf Muddasir, Dolphin (PG) Institute of Biomedical & Natural Sciences
Kumar T. R. Nanda, Dolphin (PG) Institute of Biomedical & Natural Sciences
The purpose of the study was to determine the changes in the kinematics of the trunk and lower extremities after backward walking treadmill training. Thirty male subjects participated in this study. Each subject underwent backward walking treadmill training for 5 sessions a week for 2 weeks. In each session, 15 minutes of backward walking treadmill training (BWTT) was administered. Video recording was done for each subject before and after training. The trunk, hip, knee and ankle angles were calculated using Corel Draw software. Paired t-test was used for statistical analysis. The hip joint angle decreased significantly at initial contact (p=0.0001), heel-off (p=0.002), and midstance (p=0.002); the knee joint angle decreased significantly at initial contact (p=0.0001), midswing (p=0.0001) and heel-off (p=0.0001) after backward walking treadmill training (ABWTT), whereas the ankle joint angle increased significantly at initial contact (p=0.004), midstance (p=0.033) and midswing (0.022) ABWTT. The trunk angle showed no significant difference ABWTT. The present study has shown a decrease in the hip and knee angles and an increase in the ankle angle after 2 weeks of backward walking treadmill training.
backward walking, treadmill, kinematics
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