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Archive > Year 2013, Number 4

The effect of Person-Centered Approach in management anxiety in sports: an examination study


Anagnostou Garyfallos


The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of a person-centered approach to managing anxiety among soccer athletes, prior to and after the application of the approach. The sample consisted of 44 participants (Control Group N=21, age 14.57±1.03 and Investigation Group, N=23, age 13.96±0.88), all soccer athletes from the Greek soccer association. The intervention program used was a person-centered approach based on a theory from Rogers. The duration of the program was 9 months, with a frequency of one time per week for 60 minutes, after training. M. R. F. (Mental Readiness Form) and CSAI-2 (Competitive State Anxiety Inventory-2) instruments were used for evaluation measures prior to and after the application of the intervention program. Statistical analysis revealed significant, observed differences in the reduction of a team’s somatic anxiety in favor of post-application measures and decreased self-confidence attributed to the effect of a person-centered approach. Future research is needed to further investigate the use of person-centered approach in sport settings.


Person-centered approach, anxiety, soccer

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