Illik Ivan, Faculty of Human Sciences, University of Matej Bel
Pupiš Martin, Faculty of Human Sciences, University of Matej Bel
In the paper authors decided to influence the adverse mental and emotional conditions in sportsmen by means of psycho-walkmans (audio-visual stimulators – AVS Zen Master and Proteus of Chinese production, from the company Hemispheres). The authors monitored subjective feelings, lactate levels and the average heart rates during relaxation in three members of the Slovak national team (2 men, 1 woman) in athletic walking at the age of 27 ± 4 years, men´s BM 65 ± 1 kg (woman 48 kg), men's BH 177 ± 1 cm, (woman 168 cm), resting heart rate 40 ± 2 bpm. The average heart rate lower by 4 % – 10 % indicates a substantially higher state of relaxation of the organism using an audio-visual stimulator. The measurements after the relaxation with an audio-visual stimulator showed that the lactate level was by 0.54 mmol/L lower compared to the relaxation without an audio-visual stimulator. Similar differences were also found in the measurement of heart rate when they fell asleep. However, more important was the fact that the sportsmen fell asleep as early as 10 – 15 minutes after going to bed and an average length of sleep after the same volume of load was from 15 minutes to two hours longer. These values confirmed a positive influence of the AVS on the competitors' organisms.
psycho-walkman (audiovisual stimulator - AVS), top athletes, mental load, relaxation
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